The Build team has made a lot of progress on the robot, and has made it so we will have enough space for all of the components.
The Programming team has gotten the autonomous mode working, which can make the robot move forward into the color zone of our team and shoot. The program uses a range finder to tell us how close we are to the alliance wall.
The Business and Marketing group have a business plan and a pamphlet about our team in the works, both almost prepared for use. The video game tournament fundraiser is tentatively scheduled for April, with a definite date to be determined.
The CAD team is making good progress on the animation for the next competition.
There were also a lot of comments made regarding the website. Overall, those working on the website should keep in mind that this is our greatest tool in not only keeping records day-to-day, but also year-to-year, so that we can pass our knowledge on to new members.
To help gain ideas for the website, check out This is the website for Team 2168, the Aluminum Falcons from Fitch. They have a phenomenal website, in terms of both structure and content, and we can use it to get ideas for how to improve ours.