Dear 1740 team members:
Today was my third "Bash at the Beach" experience and I'd like to offer my sincere praise and congratulations to each and every team member for your individual efforts and collective accomplishments.
Not that long ago, it felt like we were often grasping in the dark to solve many of the engineering and programming problems posed by the annual FRC challenge. This year marked our first robot with a functioning, scoring autonomous mode. What an accomplishment! Although "Colonel Panic" fell short of our goals for the competition in March, you were inspired to continue improving the robot with the aim of successfully shooting Frisbees at the goals throughout the teleop portion of the match. While imperfect, your solution worked, and I am very proud of your dedication and commitment to the engineering and construction process required to accomplish this.
Congratulations! I am proud to be a mentor for FRC Team 1740.
Mr. Estabrooks